Shiv Thakare, also known as the “Marathi Mulgha,” has carved a notable niche in Indian reality television. Rising from MTV Roadies Rising, to clinching the title in Bigg Boss Marathi Season 2 and securing the first runner-up position in Bigg Boss Season 16, Shiv has showcased both resilience and popularity. His journey extends beyond Bigg Boss, with finalists in shows like The Anti-Social Network, Jhalak Dikhla Jaa, and Khatron Ke Khiladi, where he consistently impressed the audiences with his performances.

Shiv’s magnetic presence and entertainment quotient have garnered him a massive fan
following. His contributions have been duly recognized, earning him accolades such as the Best Power Pack Performer of the Television Industry at the International Glory Awards in August 2023, along with the Global Excellence Award for People’s Choice Reality TV Star and the Iconic Gold Awards for being a Bigg Boss Famous Personality.

Shiv was recently seen in the music video “KOI BAAT NAHI”.