Shrikant Verma, also known as Shrikant dada, began his acting journey in theater with the Shri Ram Centre Theatre Repertory Company. He gained fame on the big screen with roles in “Matru Ki Bijlee Ka Mandola” and “Dum Laga Ke Haisha.” His film credits include “Fukrey Returns,” “Batti Gul Meter Chalu,” and “Sui Dhaaga: Made in India.” In web series, he’s known for “Mirzapur,” “Breathe: Into the Shadows,” “Panchayat, “Matsya Kaand” and many more.” Recently, he’s been seen in “Panchayat S-3”, “Dry Day” both on Amazon and “The Railway Men” on Netflix.

Upcoming projects include “Tribhuvan Mishra – CA Topper”, “Memers”, “The Untold Story of C Sankaran Nair” and many more.

Shrikant Verma